Tuesday, May 17, 2011

To The Airport

May 17th 2011
The Airport

 Last Family Photo

Saying Good-Bye to Sisters
Sweet little sister, Sophia Ann is only five weeks old.  She will change so much while Brandon is gone.

The bags were checked, the goodbyes were said and pictures taken. We met a few other missionaries and their families that were checking in.  A number of them were going to Uganda as well.  One was heading to South Africa.  Brandon got into the line for security and we all stood there and watched him wind through the maze.  Suddenly, Mom noticed something absolutely amazing.  The man standing in front of Brandon was....her cousin.  She got his attention and pointed behind him at Brandon.  The two of them talked as they made their way up to the scanners.  What a tender mercy of the Lord.  Somehow it made it easier to watch him make his way through that line, knowing that someone familiar was there with him.  Of course we still cried, especially Olivia and Mom.  But we know that he is completely in the hands of his Heavenly Parents and they will take good care of him.  We cry because we will miss him, but we are joyous that Brandon is a worthy young man, and missionary.  Good luck son and brother!!!!  We can't wait to hear from you!!!


  1. Such a happy, sad moment! We are thinking of you and praying for you. We know you have prepared well. God bless you.

  2. So glad you are safe, sound and happy! I think your letter was so funny. So many traveling firsts and yet so much knowledge about flying! Lol! Enjoy every minute, brandon, it will go by so quickly!
    Aunt jeanette
